Wednesday 31 March 2010

Before I Die

Before I Die was a gripping novel from start to finish. It is about a girl called Tessa, who is 16 years old, and due to leukemia, has only a few months to live. But instead of wallowing in self-pity, she has a long list of things she'd like to do before she dies. As you progress through the book, you learn everything that has happened in her life and how it will be for her family after she dies.

In my IMM video, I stated that this book kept grabbing my attention, and I wasn't sure why. I now know. It was to broaden the range of literature I read, and divert me away from all things supernatural and make me realize the things that happen to people everyday before our very eyes. I am now looking for more books like this, with real meaning, page-turning books that move you. (But will continue to read the other books I like)

I have rated this book 10/10 It left me wanting more.
Before I Die is a debut novel from Jenny Downham. She currently has no further titles.